STO Building Group Emerging Leaders is raising funds for an EcoRise student-driven project at Boston Green Academy.
Since 2018, STO Building Group has partnered with EcoRise to connect educators and students in Boston, Dallas, and NYC to sustainability curricula and student grants for green projects. STO Building Group is excited to go above and beyond this school year, raising project funds for Boston Green Academy students to use to implement a large-scale sustainability project to benefit their school community. Some of the project ideas students are already brainstorming include a campus mural, a school garden renovation, a freight farm expansion, or a sustainable classroom redesign. If we reach our fundraising goal, students will have the opportunity to implement their project, with the help of STO Building Group volunteers, during Earth Month.
EcoRise is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code;
EIN 80-0812900.