While the effects of climate change intensify, educators are preparing students to build a more just and resilient world. Educators inspire students to see themselves as leaders. They provide the knowledge and confidence students need to become agents of social transformation. At EcoRise, we are proud to support a growing network of 10,000 educators and 33 Teacher Ambassadors to embolden future changemakers through environmental literacy, climate justice, and green career programming and resources.
Education is the bedrock of democracy and we know it has the power to change systems. Educators drive systems change as the ideas and inspiration found in classrooms are multiplied as students take what they learn and share it with caregivers and caregivers bring those priorities to their communities and local governments. In collaboration with community-based partners, EcoRise supports educators to ensure their ripple effect centers justice, sustainability, and local action. Thanks to EcoRise teachers, schools become hubs for innovation and training grounds for a new generation of young leaders who are galvanized to make waves in their communities.
As educators face more challenges than ever in their classrooms, EcoRise is prioritizing supporting, nourishing, and advancing educators to make their dreams for students a reality. Strengthen our efforts by investing in the classroom heroes creating ripples and building momentum for a global youth movement. Your gift will help us welcome new educators into our programs, multiplying the number of classrooms and youth who have access to curricula, project grant funding, and real-world experiences that will inspire youth leadership in climate justice and sustainability.